Here at All Saints', we want you to feel welcomed and comfortable. So we have some helpful tips on making your visit more welcoming.
Tell Us Who You Are
In the pew racks are Connect Cards. Please give us your contact information so that we can welcome you personally. That card can be dropped into the offering plate or handed to one of the ushers.
Welcome Gift Bags
If you introduce yourself to one of the ushers or greeters, they would love to give you a bag of goodies. It contains information and a few small gifts.
Enjoy Coffee and Socialize
After worship at 10:30 am, there is always coffee, tea, and scones available in DeWolfe Hall. In addition, there is an Adult education in the same location throughout the year, beginning at 9:30 am and lasting 30 - 40 minutes.
Join Us for a Newcomers Meet & Greet
Four times a year, we have an informal coffee at the parsonage for those new to All Saints - whether new members or recent visitors. If we have your contact information, you will get an invitation. Please come. It's a great way to meet the clergy, their spouses, and other parish members in a casual setting.
Adult & Children Sunday School
At 9:30 am, between the two services, All Saints hosts Sunday School. Adults are in DeWolfe Hall, and the children's program takes place downstairs in the Church undercroft. The Sunday School program is designed for children in Preschool thru 6th grade. Our older youth help with the little ones and monthly special events.
Nursery for ages 0-3 is available 8:00 am - 12 noon.
Communion. We believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. All baptized Christians are invited to receive the Sacrament. Generally speaking, we wait for the usher to guide the row forward to the altar rail to kneel or stand. We hold out our hands, left on top of the right. When we receive the host, the priest will say "the Body of Christ," and we respond, "Amen." When the chalice is offered to us, we take a sip. The person offering the cup will say "the Blood of Christ," and we respond, "Amen." Because communion is complete in either form, reception of either host or wine alone constitutes a full communion.
If you do not wish to receive communion and desire to receive a blessing instead, let the priest know by crossing your arms over your chest, and you will be given a blessing.
Baptized children may receive communion at any age. Communion is at the discretion of the parents. If you prefer, first communion instruction is available for all ages.
Childcare. Children are welcome to remain with their parents during worship. If you need childcare during worship, All Saints' nursery is professionally staffed by caring individuals certified in CPR and child care. We provide excellent child care during Worship Services and for other regular and special events throughout the year.