We rejoice with you in the news of your upcoming wedding and your wish to consecrate that marriage in the Church! The Church offers a special dispensation of the Holy Spirit during the wedding rite for the fulfillment of the vows you will make before God. We look forward to planning a Wedding Rite that will glorify the Lord and enrich your desire to commit your lives to Jesus and one another.
Members Only
All Saints Anglican Church is a sacred space, not a wedding venue. It is not available for rent.
All Saints is only available to members for weddings. Members’ names are listed in the Member Directory and updated regularly. Membership is held if the name of one or both individuals to be married is in the Directory. If the name of neither of the individuals to be married is in the Member Directory, membership is not held at All Saints Anglican Church. Couples are encouraged to wed in the Church where they attend regularly and are listed as members. If individuals would like to become members of All Saints, they must attend regularly, give of their time and talent, and complete the membership steps.
To reserve a wedding date, members are asked to schedule to meet with Fr. Darryl six months in advance of the date they wish to wed.
Jan/Feb - Booked
March - Booked
April/May - Booked
June 20 - Available
July - Booked
August 8 - Available
September 19 - Available
October 24 - Available
November - Booked
December - Unavailable